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Manufacturing ERP

Unleash the full potential of your manufacturing capabilities 

with our tailored ERP solution, built for your success.

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Optimize Manufacturing Efficiency with 
Comprehensive Inventory Management Solution

Enhance Customer and Vendor Relations, Streamline Sales Orders, Procurement Processes, and Real-time Stock Updates. Simplify Quotations, RFQs, Indent Management, and Composite Product Handling. Empower Your Business with Seamless Inventory Control and Transparent Communication Channels.


Customer and Vendor Management

Maintain comprehensive databases for customers and vendors, facilitating efficient communication and transaction tracking.

Product Catalog and Pricing

Easily manage a detailed list of products along with their associated prices, ensuring consistency and accuracy throughout the system.

Automated Price Update Chain

Automatically update product prices based on changes in the cost of raw materials, ensuring synchronized pricing for semi-finished and finished products.

Request for Quotation (RFQ)

Simplify procurement processes by sending RFQs to vendors, allowing for efficient comparison of quotes and selection of the best suppliers.

Sales Orders

Automatically update product prices based on changes in the cost of raw materials, ensuring synchronized pricing for semi-finished and finished products.


Generate professional quotations for customers, providing transparent and timely communication of pricing and product details.

Indent Management

Automatically update product prices based on changes in the cost of raw materials, ensuring synchronized pricing for semi-finished and finished products.

Purchase Orders

Create and track purchase orders for procuring raw materials and other inventory items, enhancing control over procurement activities.

Inventory Management

Track and manage inventory levels for raw materials, semi-finished, and finished products, optimizing stock availability and minimizing stockouts or excess inventory.

Composite and Bundled Products

Handle composite and bundled products seamlessly, allowing for accurate inventory tracking and pricing for complex product structures.

Stock Adjustment

Enable users to adjust inventory levels accurately to account for discrepancies, damages, or other inventory-related issues, maintaining data integrity and accuracy

Real-time Stock Updates

Provide real-time updates on stock movements including purchases, sales, conversions (manufacturing), and inventory adjustments, enabling timely decision-making.

Vendor Portal

Offer vendors a dedicated portal to manage orders, view purchase history, and update product information, fostering stronger supplier relationships and collaboration.

Customer Portal

Provide customers with access to order status, shipment tracking, and product information through a secure online portal, enhancing customer satisfaction and transparency.

Client Success Stories

At Business Scales, we've had the pleasure of working with manufacturing ERP clients for years, and our partnership with them has been nothing short of transformative. From streamlining production processes to enhancing inventory management, our ERP solutions have empowered our clients to achieve unparalleled efficiency and productivity."
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